Essentials in Parasport and what you need to know

08.00 Registration Open
08.45 – 09.00 Welcome and Introduction (Inge Bru, Belgium)
09.00 – 09.55 Healthy Living with SCI: Impact of Active Lifestyle (Sonja de Groot, The Netherlands)
09.55 – 10.50 SCI Classification in Parasport (Yves Vanlandewijck, Belgium – Sweden)
10.50 – 11.20 coffee break
11.20 – 12.15 Performance Optimization of the Athlete with SCI (Daniel Theisen, Luxembourg)
12.15 – 13.10 The Aging Athlete with SCI (Emiliana Bizzarini, Italy)
13.10 – 14.10 lunch
14.10 – 15.05 Health Related Ergonomics: the Shoulder Complex in SCI (Inge Bru, Belgium)
15.05 – 16.00 Health Related Ergonomics: Interface Pressure in SCI (Madeleine Stenius, Carin Bergfeldt and Emelie Buter, Sweden)
16.00 – 16.30 Q & A, Conclusions
Talk outline and Learning Objectives
Wheelchair users with spinal cord injury generally have a relatively inactive lifestyle. A number of studies have shown that an inactive lifestyle is associated with low fitness, poorer health, decreased social participation and lower quality of life for wheelchair users. There are several ways for wheelchair users to stay active in daily life.
- Today, science supports the role of exercise as a means of becoming healthy and fit in people with SCI and its role in improving performance of daily life activities, return to work and quality of life.
- If a wheelchair user with spinal cord injury wants to move from healthy exercise to competitive sports, classification is applied. Classification in Parasport is challenging and in need of research unraveling the impairment and ergonomic impact on sport-specific performance.
- A spinal cord injury, implies the loss of sensitive neural traffic from the periphery and of motor efferents to body regions innervated caudally to the lesion level. Moreover, functions relying on the autonomous nervous system are affected in proportion to the spinal lesion level. What effect do these changes have on the athlete?
- As physicians involved in the care and rehabilitation of aging athletes with SCI we need to know the agingrelated evidence-based recommendations for aging athletes with Spinal Cord Injury.
Health Related Ergonomics are also important, such as:
- The shoulder complex in SCI
- Interface pressure in SCI
We offer two registration options to suit your preferences:
Register for the Pre-Conference Course ONLY: Ideal if you’re interested solely in attending the Pre-Conference Course.
Register for the Pre-Conference Course & The ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting: Perfect for those who want to make the most of our event by attending both the Para Sport and the Annual Scientific Meeting.
Select the option that best fits your needs and get ready for an enriching experience!
Registration Fee: £75 or €85 (excluding VAT)